Top 5 Reasons 9/11 Was Not an Inside Job!

On September 11, 2001, at 8:45 a.m. during a clear Tuesday morning, 19 terrorists associated with the Islamic millitant group of Al-Qaeda hijacked 4 aircrafts and carried out suicide attacks against the Twin Towers of WTC and Pentagon. Often referred to as 9/11, these horrible attacks resulted in widespread death and destruction, triggering many subsequent American initiatives to combat terrorism. More than 3,000 people died during the attacks in the NY City and Washington, D.C., including more than 500 firefighters and police officers.

September 11 attacks, short time after the South Tower was struck by an hijacked airplane

However, just after the attacks, a lot of people started to question many of the alleged ”inconsistencies” in the official conclusions and reports, leading to dozens of conspiracy theories, which question the official nature and motive of the 9/11. In this article, we are going to look on 5 of the most frequent arguments for the alleged ”inside job”, and disprove them step-by-step, using the available evidence.


1.Fires from Kerosene are not hot enough to melt steel.

According to this argument, frequently cited by the people who think 9/11 was an inside job, the kerosene fires, with temperatures well below the melting point of construction steel(2750 °F), would be definitely not capable of severely damaging the steel framework of the Twin Towers, and therefore causing them to collapse.

Hijacked airplane approaching the South Tower

However, in reality, it is more than enough. Although jet fuel burns only at about 1517 °F, it doesn’t have to burn hot enough to melt steel to cause the buildings to collapse, since steel loses 50% of its strength just at 1200 °F, and 90% at 1800°F

In addition, the fact which is often ignored, most of the airplanes contain large amounts of aircraft aluminium, a mixture of aluminium and magnesium, in their wings. Magnesium does burn at 5610 degrees, which is more then enough to melt even the most durable of of steels, in fact, magnesium fire is hot enough to actually vaporize most of the metals, including construction steel!

As professor Forman Williams notes,”The jet fuel was only the ignition source. It burned for maybe 10 minutes, and the Twin Towers were still standing after 10 minutes. However, the rest of the stuff that burned afterwards was responsible for the sustained heat that eventually brought the Towers down.”

It is true, that the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were designed to withstand the impact of any major passenger jet. And actually, they did. It was not the impact, that destroyed the Towers, in reality, Twin Towers were brought down by subsequent fires.

2. The Pentagon was hit by a missile, not a commercial plane. Nobody saw any aeroplane approaching the Pentagon.

According to this widely known argument, hole in the wall of Pentagon was far too small to have been made by a Boeing 757 crash. Because of that, many conspiracy theoretics conclude, that the Pentagon was struck by a guided missile.

File:Aerial view of the Pentagon during rescue operations post-September 11 attack.JPEG

Aerial view of the Flight 77 crash aftermath

However, the truth is much more prosaic. A crashing jet never punches a cartoon-like outline of itself into a concrete building. In the case of Pentagon, aircraft allegedly crashed in sharp angle, with one wing hitting the ground, and other being destroyed by the impact to the Pentagon’s main columns. According to further simulations, rest of the plane was simply assimilated to the concrete structure, after the crash.

According to available reports, there were more than 120 eyewitnesses who saw a large jet approaching the Pentagon. Many of them reported that it was an American Airlines jet, and that the noise of the aircraft was exteremely loud. No witnesses at all reported sighting a military aircraft or guided missile.

Aftermath of the Flight 77 crash to the Pentagon, with aircraft debris scattered around

Conspiracy theorists often insist there was no aircraft debris left at the Pentagon. However, evidence suggest otherwise. There was a lot of various airplane debris scattered around the crash site, including parts of the aircraft body, engine rotor, and remnants of the gear. In addition, Boeing 757’s black box was found few hours after the crash.

3. The mysterious collapse of World Trade Center Building 7

Seven hours after the Twin Towers collapsed, the 47-story high WTC 7 followed. According to many conspiracy theorists, the videotapes of the collapse clearly show, that it was not a collapse caused by a fire, but rather a controlled demolition.

Collapse of the WTC 7

However, in reality, the Building 7 was at first damaged by falling debris, and then the building endured a fire that raged for more than 7 hours(!). According to NIST research, before the collapse of WTC 7, there was already a serious physical damage to the south face of the building. “On about one third of the south face to the center and to the bottom, on more than 10 stories, about one quarter of the depth of the building was scooped out after the Twin Towers collapsed.”

In addition, subsequently to the collapse of Twin Towers, a fifth-floor fire in the central part of WTC 7 was ignited by the debris, and burned for at least 7 hours. Because of the irreversible damage caused by the fire, WTC 7 then collapsed from the inside. Building 7 may have withstood the physical damage or the fires that burned for hours separately, but the combination of the both factors, when applied to the building’s unusual construction, was enough to start the chain-reaction collapse.

For more insight into the WTC 7 collapse, check out the

4. There were traces of thermite found in the ruins of WTC

According to alleged evidence, traces of thermite, a mixture of rust and powder zinc, which burns at extremely high temperatures, were found in the ruins, indicating the controlled demolition.

9/11 ground zero. Note the steel column, which appears as it has been cut.

In this photo of the WTC ruins, we can see a steel column, which appears as it has been cut. Conspiracy theorists claim that it is impossible to create such a cut by a welding tool, and that it was designed to make the building fall. They also claim that the yellow substance on the side of the column is residue from a thermite reaction, which cut the column before the buildings collapsed.

If we examine these claims closely, we will quickly come to a conclusion that termite was definitely not used to bring the Twin Towers down. At first, the photo above was made on 10/9, nearly one month after the 9/11 attacks. At the time, cleanup of the debris was more than two weeks underway, and it is very likely that the column above was cut by workers cleaning up the ground zero.

Thermite in general makes an irregular hole with many drips and blobs of molten metal around. It is not capable of making clean cuts in any way, in contrast with metal welding. The yellow smoke and residue is often left after gas welding, and it has nothing to do with thermite. In comparison, thermite residue is always black colour, sometimes with slight tones of red.

5. During the collapse of the Twin Towers, puffs of dust and debris were ejected from the sides of the buildings.

When we look closely on the videotapes of the Twin Towers collapsing, we can notice that there were several isolated ejections of dust and debris from the Towers during their collapse. Conspiracy theoretics often consider this to be one of the most direct pieces of evidence for the controlled demolition of the Towers.

Collapse of the WTC South Tower. Note the puff of dust on its left side

This argument can be easily refuted in many different ways. Like the vast majority of other office buildings, the Twin Towers were mostly composed of air. After the Towers started to collapse, upper floors were gradually falling on the lower, creating a pancake effect. During the collapse, small geysers of concrete dust were ejected from the opened office windows in the lower floors, because of the pressurized air.

The built-up air pressure during the collapse of Twin Towers was maybe not enough to blast windows, but it was definitely sufficient enough to blow the pulverized concrete out of the windows which had been already opened.

WTC North Tower collapsing

In addition to that, somebody would definitely notice the massive amounts of explosives being brought to the Twin Towers before the explosions. It would be extremely unpractical, and the sheer amount of people working in the Twin Towers every day makes this scenario virtually impossible. In addition, to wire the Towers with explosives, US Government would need to hire hundreds of people to do the job. Possibility of unwanted information leaks would be extreme.

However, even with the ”inside job” theory being blown to pieces, there is still a small possibility that US Government was really behind the 9/11 attacks. It is not very likely, but they could have a wide variety of political and economic motives to destroy the Twin Towers. In reality, no guided missiles, explosives or thermite are needed, hiring a group of terrorists to do the dirty work for them would be more than enough.

As famous English writer Alan Moore once said, “The most important thing that I have ever learned about the conspiracy theories, is that conspiracy theorists believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting for them. The truth of the world is that it is chaotic. Not the Jewish banks, The Illuminati, and not even the Grey Aliens are in control. The truth is far more frightening – nobody is in control. The world is rudderless.”

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